Author Profile

Dave Smith

Articles by Dave Smith

How to solve homelessness

By Dave Smith | 12 August 2022

Without new homes, initiatives to tackle homelessness are not going to stem the tide, says Dave S...

How can we stop a surge in homelessness across Greater Manchester?

By Dave Smith | 02 June 2021

We need to ensure that the steps we take out of the restrictions do not mean pushing people into ...

What future for local government?

By Dave Smith | 15 June 2016

A group of local authority chief executives recently held a round table discussion chaired by The...

Let a thousand flowers bloom for devolution

By Dave Smith | 10 November 2015

Too many change programmes fail because there is too much push and not enough pull – not an ideal...

Unlocking the door to economic potential

By Dave Smith | 20 May 2014

Dave Smith outlines the importance of Key Cities in generating growth for the nation, ahead of Th...