The Government is progressing with a centralisation agenda dividing local government into deliver...
Devolution does not need wasteful, time consuming and expensive reorganisation, argue Colin Copus...
It is not increases in council sizes that improve local government, and the public don’t benefit ...
Steve Leach and Colin Copus write to the next Prime Minister with ideas for strengthening local g...
Ahead of the Mayoral elections, Steve Leach and Colin Copus ask if the proliferation of combined ...
In their new book Steve Leach and Colin Copus conclude there is no consistent or conclusive evide...
Only Somerset, North Yorkshire and Cumbria have been asked to submit unitary proposals. Steve Lea...
Steve Leach and Colin Copus argue a move to county-based unitaries would ‘draw local government a...
A localised and nimble response to the coronavirus outbreak is important, say Colin Copus and Ste...
The arguments for creating large unitary authorities have not been developed in an evidence-based...
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