Author Profile

Davy Jones

Articles by Davy Jones

Making 'green' core to every policy and activity

By John Tizard | 08 July 2020

Davy Jones and John Tizard present a plan for nurturing greener accessible places in ways that ar...

The democratic deficit

By John Tizard | 25 November 2015

Davy Jones and John Tizard argue that there is a democratic deficit at the heart of the devolutio...

When community matters

By Jez Hall | 27 June 2013

Davy Jones and Jez Hall explain the participatory benefits of budgeting for local government.

Having a Say about Budgets!

By Davy Jones | 04 July 2012

Davy Jones looks at how councils might convince people they really want them to have a say about ...

Regulation and the elderly

By Davy Jones | 29 November 2011

Davy Jones muses on parallels between the NHS and local government.

Government announces end to 'Duty To Involve'

By Davy Jones | 18 April 2011

Davy Jones looks at the latest government consultation on Best Value.