Author Profile

Tracie Evans

Tracie Evans

Articles by Tracie Evans

From scrutiniser to being scrutinised

By Tracie Evans | 19 September 2017

Tracie Evans on the differences now she is interim deputy chief executive at Haringey LBC.

The public sector's response to extremism is still too disjointed

By Tracie Evans | 06 June 2017

Tracie Evans suggests better pooling of council, schools, police, NHS, mental health and communit...

Health and care integration must start with Whitehall departments

By Tracie Evans | 20 April 2017

Tracie Evans argues integrated health and social care outcomes may be difficult to reach unless p...

Bridging the financial gap

By Tracie Evans | 28 February 2017

Tracie Evans explains the importance of drawing up a five-year financial strategy for Haringey.

Pinpointing the cost drivers

By Tracie Evans | 10 January 2017

Analysing the drivers of cost is one approach to ensuring financial stability in these times of u...

Tough decisions on budgets

By Tracie Evans | 01 November 2016

Tracie Evans explains how her visit to a mental health project in Haringey shows budget setting h...

Striving for excellence

By Tracie Evans | 14 September 2016

Councils can deliver excellence regardless of how much money they have but must follow three cruc...

Talking money in the 'post-austerity' era

By Tracie Evans | 20 July 2016

The conversation needs to change on spending taxpayers' money in this 'post-austerity' world, say...

You can get the staff these days

By Tracie Evans | 02 June 2016

Tracie Evans explains why employees are key to addressing mounting demand for council services

The brave way forward for finances

By Tracie Evans | 12 April 2016

Haringey is now in year two of its three-year corporate plan, workforce plan and medium-term fina...