Author Profile

Nathan Elvery

Nathan Elvery is chief executive of West Sussex and former chief executive of Croydon LBC

Articles by Nathan Elvery

Mentoring could be your game-changer

By Nathan Elvery | 15 August 2023

Nathan Elvery explains the many benefits of taking time to be mentored, and explains what to expe...

Performance: are we learning from history?

By Nathan Elvery | 04 April 2023

Eleven councils have been caught up in intervention or improvement since 2010. Did the Comprehens...

Is there a local government blueprint?

By Nathan Elvery | 12 October 2020

If the sector misplaces its energies into structural reform, the point of what matters most may b...

Let's not paper over the cracks

By Nathan Elvery | 14 July 2020

Nathan Elvery examines the impact of spending cuts on councils and communities over a decade and ...

A reawakening of society?

By Nathan Elvery | 13 May 2020

Nathan Elvery says that through the daily accounts of heroic action during the COVID-19 crisis, s...

Don't play the hokey-cokey with health

By Nathan Elvery | 16 April 2019

Local government has turned public health around despite funding cuts. Now it not the time to thi...

If empowered, councils can achieve much more on public health

By Nathan Elvery | 09 April 2019

Rather than seeking to downgrade the role of public health within local authorities we should be ...

A fork in the road to austerity

By Nathan Elvery | 18 July 2018

Could CIPFA’s plans to create a financial resilience index for councils help rescue local governm...

Navigating a sea of trust

By Nathan Elvery | 27 February 2018

The quest of every chief executive is to build trust and to recognise this skill creates an inspi...

Time to throw off the shackles

By Nathan Elvery | 10 January 2017

Nathan Elvery has worked in every tier of local government. Here he warns the sector it risks bei...