Author Profile

David Williams

Articles by David Williams

Spending review: Rishi delivered what we needed, stability

By David Williams | 27 November 2020

In a time of financial uncertainty, the chancellor's Spending Review delivered basic stability. N...

Hertfordshire leads the way in managing growth

By David Williams | 05 March 2020

All 12 members of the Hertfordshire Growth Board have now approved an official working agreement ...

Counties are key to unleashing the entire country's potential

By David Williams | 18 December 2019

David Williams says Boris Johnson’s Government has been elected on a domestic pledge to ‘level-up...

Appointment of new Treasury ministers bodes well for the sector

By Cllr David Williams | 20 August 2019

Chairman-elect of the County Councils Network David Williams reviews the organisation's key asks ...

Hold on to public health

By David Williams | 27 February 2019

Shifting public health functions to councils has led to ‘clear progress and tangible success,’ sa...

Taking back some public health commissioning from councils would be a 'retrograde step'

By David Williams | 26 February 2019

With 'clear progress and tangible success' on public health delivery in local government, the su...

Social care must remain a local service

By David Williams | 04 September 2018

David Williams says local government must be at the heart of the social care green paper.

We need a new strategic collaboration in the East Midlands

By David Williams | 20 November 2017

In the wake of a new report by Metro Dynamics, David Williams outlines how a formal collaboration...