Author Profile

Michael Burton

Michael Burton

Michael Burton is editorial director of The MJ

Articles by Michael Burton

MHCLG churn 'damaging institutional memory'

By Michael Burton | 16 January 2019

Whitehall is suffering from ‘collective amnesia’ due to high staff turnover that is wasting milli...

Whitehall is suffering from amnesia

By Michael Burton | 16 January 2019

We have a fatal combination of both ministers and civil servants with no collective memory - and...

Where do councils fit into the NHS plan?

By Michael Burton | 15 January 2019

Last week’s publication of the NHS Long Term Plan signals a fundamental shift towards community-b...

The NHS makes a land grab for public health

By Michael Burton | 08 January 2019

Flushed with the massive bung from the Prime Minister, the NHS appears to have decided it must ta...

NHS can 'save 500,000 more lives'

By Michael Burton | 07 January 2019

The NHS claims it can save half a million more lives by investment in technology, focusing on gre...

Don't throw out the rule book with the bath water

By Michael Burton | 05 December 2018

Like all complainants, the Local Government Ombudsman is both a nuisance and an asset, but his la...

A winning approach to care and health

By Michael Burton | 04 December 2018

St Helens MBC and its partners have addressed the pressing challenges of rising health and care d...

Spending Review must factor Brexit's impact on GDP

By Michael Burton | 28 November 2018

Despite economists rubbishing claims that savings on EU contributions post-Brexit could be divert...

Who tells the truth about education spending?

By Michael Burton | 21 November 2018

The old adage ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’ is never truer than when it comes to education s...

Is AI a big opportunity or merely Big Brother?

By Michael Burton | 21 November 2018

Artificial intelligence could streamline the delivery of council services but are local authoriti...