Author Profile

Michael Burton

Michael Burton

Michael Burton is editorial director of The MJ

Articles by Michael Burton

Budget forecasting for public finances is hit and miss

By Michael Burton | 29 November 2017

One conclusion from covering many Budgets is that forecasting is more an art than a science, writ...

IFS questions government's ambitious housing targets

By Michael Burton | 23 November 2017

It is impossible to predict ‘with any confidence’ that ambitious targets to build 300,000 new hom...

The reorganisation bandwagon rolls on

By Michael Burton | 22 November 2017

Reorganisation has to deliver a solution to a problem, rather than being an end in itself, writes...

Javid rejects DCLG capacity fears

By Michael Burton | 21 November 2017

Communities secretary Sajid Javid has rejected accusations that his Whitehall department is too s...

Lincolnshire CC launches fair funding campaign

By Michael Burton | 31 October 2017

Lincolnshire CC is the latest county to launch a campaign for a better deal from the fair funding...

Are ministers and members obsessed with reorganisation?

By Michael Burton | 10 October 2017

Michael Burton asks how vital is structural reorganisation to delivering stronger local economies?

Housing is the Achilles Heel of the Conservatives

By Michael Burton | 04 October 2017

Michael Burton argues the Government should take the radical step of unleashing local authorities...

Javid: Conservatives must tackle housing

By Michael Burton | 03 October 2017

Lack of housing is the biggest domestic issue facing the Conservatives, communities secretary Saj...

The Uber decision could hit Labour's 2018 London borough election hopes

By Michael Burton | 27 September 2017

TfL's decision not to renew Uber's licence, backed by the capital's Labour mayor, could have an i...

Look long-term: Cut the benefit bill by investing in social housing

By Michael Burton | 20 September 2017

Michael Burton puts forward the case for the Government to remove the shackles on council housebu...