Author Profile

Michael Burton

Michael Burton

Michael Burton is editorial director of The MJ

Articles by Michael Burton

Full steam ahead for devolution

By Michael Burton | 19 May 2015

On the same day last week that the Chancellor announced legislation to implement the next stage o...

Ignore the election bribes, look at the figures

By Michael Burton | 05 May 2015

Michael Burton advises local government managers and members to ignore the siren voices of electi...

Two Parliaments of Pain – or of Fudge?

By Michael Burton | 28 April 2015

There is ‘still significant deficit reduction still to come’ and that’s before rising health and ...

The parallel universe of party spending plans

By Michael Burton | 23 April 2015

With perfect timing the scrutiny of party election pledges by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (I...

Are there lessons from French local government reorganisation?

By Michael Burton | 21 April 2015

A major top down reorganisation of regional government on the other side of La Manche suggests a ...

Voters' appetite for austerity has diminished

By Michael Burton | 09 April 2015

A few months ago there were predictions that the next Parliament would be a Parliament of Pain bu...

Chiefs criticise Labour's 'monolithic approach'

By Michael Burton | 09 April 2015

Labour plans to subsume local government websites into Whitehall’s platform have come unde...

A Parliament of Pain – or of muddling through?

By Michael Burton | 08 April 2015

The public appetite for austerity is significantly less than in 2010 when voters accepted the pri...

IFS director: Tough spending decisions to come

By Michael Burton | 01 April 2015

The next government will face tough spending decisions, although cuts may not be as deep as feare...

A reality check behind the election campaign

By Michael Burton | 31 March 2015

This is my least favourite time of the political cycle, namely the election campaign, writes Mich...