Author Profile

Alexandra Jones

Alexandra Jones

Alexandra Jones is director of the Centre for Cities

Articles by Alexandra Jones

Why we could all benefit from a 'Metropolitan Revolution'

By Alexandra Jones | 06 November 2013

Centre for Cities chief Alexandra Jones explains the central importance of Bruce Katz's call to g...

Cities are doing it for themselves

By Alexandra Jones | 12 June 2013

Making devolution happen will mean national government driving it through, writes Alexandra Jones.

Money, money money

By Alexandra Jones | 10 May 2013

Alexandra Jones considers what councils should ask of the spending review.

Revving up the engine for growth

By Alexandra Jones | 04 April 2013

Alexandra Jones suggests several ways to kick-start growth and investment.

A budget for cities

By Alexandra Jones | 08 March 2013

We have made great leaps in cities policy, but what needs to happen next? Alexandra Jones offers ...

Core value of City Deals

By Alexandra Jones | 28 November 2012

Alexandra Jones asks if City Deals will make a difference to local economies.

The ongoing challenges facing LEPs

By Alexandra Jones | 16 October 2012

Its important that all parties consider how to deal with ongoing challenges facing many LEPs, say...

The policy for the autumn term

By Alexandra Jones | 12 September 2012

Alexandra Jones looks at the key policy themes that the Government will be looking at for the aut...

History matters for city economies

By Alexandra Jones | 18 July 2012

Government investment in the drivers of urban economic success, makes a difference to people and ...

The benefits of pooling business rates

By Alexandra Jones | 07 June 2012

Alexandra Jones looks at the benefits of pooling business rates.