Author Profile

Mark Bretton

Mark Bretton is chair of the LEP Network

Articles by Mark Bretton

Let LEPs grow the skills provision

By Mark Bretton | 28 June 2022

It defies logic that local enterprise partnerships are being needlessly frozen out of the bidding...

Four strengths of LEPs

By Mark Bretton | 15 March 2022

Mark Bretton asks how we can marry up the Levelling Up White Paper’s ‘warm words’ about local ent...

Film and TV sector offers opportunities for growth beyond Hertfordshire

By Mark Bretton | 12 October 2021

Our Local Enterprise Partnership is proud to be leading the national debate on the future of the ...

Let LEPs get on with a job we're doing well

By Mark Bretton | 07 September 2021

As we build our recovery, it would be a travesty to lose the capability of LEPs just when local c...

A five point plan for economic revolution

By Mark Bretton | 14 August 2020

As the sparks a revolution in the way we live and work, Mark Bretton outlines the Local Enterpris...