Author Profile

Rob Hann

Rob Hann

Rob Hann

Articles by Rob Hann

The Haringey LLP judgement is significant for the sector

By Rob Hann | 20 February 2018

A landmark judgement in favour of Haringey LBC could pave the way for more Limited Liability Part...

Who should lead local authority companies?

By Rob Hann | 19 October 2016

Who is best placed to make decisions at a local authority trading company? Rob Hann outlines the ...

He who dares wins on trading

By Rob Hann | 02 June 2016

With local government experiencing an explosion in municipal trading, Rob Hann examines recent ch...

Are CAs a lost opportunity for growth?

By Rob Hann | 01 April 2016

Robb Hann considers whether the original intentions of combined authorities have become lost amid...

Golden Years

By Rob Hann | 16 February 2016

Former director of Local Partnerships Rob Hann takes a look back over the Private Finance Initiat...