Author Profile

Jo Miller

Jo Miller is chief executive of Doncaster MBC

Articles by Jo Miller

Meeting the modern leadership challenge

By Jo Miller | 20 September 2017

Jo Miller says now, more than ever, we need bold and brave leaders, willing to take risks and dis...

The People's Powerhouse ploughs ahead

By Jo Miller | 19 July 2017

After the success of the People's Powerhouse last week, Jo Miller outlines some of the best piece...

We can help you achieve your objectives, Westminster

By Jo Miller | 21 June 2017

Jo Miller looks at the current state of the state and argues local government could make best use...

Cyber security must be managed and understood at all levels

By Jo Miller | 24 May 2017

It is not a question of if we will be threatened by a cyber attack, but when, writes Jo Miller.

Councils should be shouting from the rooftops about UC

By Jo Miller | 26 April 2017

Jo Miller says the roll-out of Universal Credit is a scandalous waste of public money - and the s...

Hear our womanly roar

By Jo Miller | 21 February 2017

Angered by the male-dominated agenda of a Northern Powerhouse conference, Jo Miller started a riv...

Assessing the state of the state

By Jo Miller | 01 February 2017

Jo Miller says local government must avoid the 'I'm alright Jack' attitude if we are going to rea...

Let's talk about the tricky issues

By Jo Miller | 06 December 2016

How do we all live better and live better together? Jo Miller says we all have a part to play in ...

Dealing with the Donald

By Jo Miller | 16 November 2016

The result of the US presidential election shows why local government must ensure communities are...

The Monday after the Friday before

By Jo Miller | 06 October 2015

Jo Miller looks back on a groundbreaking week for the Sheffield City Region, and explains the imp...