Mutualisation presents a real opportunity to increase the capacity for innovation in our public s...
Sir Stephen Bubb looks at how local government can effectively respond to the riots that have tak...
Sir Stephen Bubb looks at the key details of the Localism Bill ahead of it entering the report st...
Sir Stephen Bubb welcomes moves for greater choice and competition in offender management.
If the third sector is delivering more taxpayer-funded contracts it will need to be more accounta...
Stephen Bubb is optimistic about the conclusions of the Dilnot commission.
Sir Stephen Bubb on competition and the reformed health Bill.
Sir Stephen Bubb considers how across the country councils are looking at how they can work more ...
More and more council politicians and officers get the importance of the third sector and working...
Sir Stephen Bubb analyses the details of the Work Programme, released by the Department for Work ...
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