Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Integrated services transform local areas

By MJ Correspondent | 09 May 2014

The integration of services is the ‘most exciting game in town for transforming local areas’, new...

Call for DCS revamp

By MJ Correspondent | 09 May 2014

Chief executives have called on the Government to remove the statutory requirements around the be...

Report: Not enough focus on integrated care for young

By MJ Correspondent | 08 May 2014

Children and young people are ‘too often an afterthought’ in national and local efforts to improv...

Pension funds can get a 'pretty tasty cherry'

By MJ Correspondent | 08 May 2014

Council pension funds can get a ‘pretty tasty cherry’ if they invest in local infrastructure proj...

Hampshire partnership set to expand

By MJ Correspondent | 08 May 2014

More councils could combine key back office services including finance with Hampshire’s joint wor...

£30m SIB package set to boost vulnerable young people

By MJ Correspondent | 08 May 2014

An ‘innovative’ finance model used by councils has been boosted by the announcement of a new £30m...

Counties urge reforms to 'unaccountable' LEPs

By MJ Correspondent | 08 May 2014

Concerned county council leaders have ignited fresh tensions in their relationship with business.

Ministers back CIVs to save £660m pension costs

By MJ Correspondent | 07 May 2014

Ministers wanting to reform town hall pensions have backed common investment vehicles (CIVs) as a...

Social workers handicapped in decision-making, nudge unit says

By MJ Correspondent | 01 May 2014

Time and workload pressures are forcing social workers to rely on their intuition to make decisio...

Fears raised over children's services outsourcing

By MJ Correspondent | 01 May 2014

Concerns are likely to be raised in a Government consultation currently inviting views on the out...