Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

The best laid plans…

By MJ Correspondent | 20 May 2014

Dan Peters investigates the recent brouhaha following Whitehall concerns over the quality of loca...

Fund forum opposes Glencore all-male board chief's appointment

By MJ Correspondent | 16 May 2014

Council pension funds could block a mining giant’s choice of new chairman over the absence of wom...

New network hailed as 'huge step forward'

By MJ Correspondent | 16 May 2014

A new network to encourage councils to think more about how they can create value has been hailed...

LEPs urged to 'redraw local boundaries'

By MJ Correspondent | 16 May 2014

The LEP boundary map should be torn up and redrawn, the chairman of the County Councils Network (...

Row continues over scrapped BT deal

By MJ Correspondent | 15 May 2014

The leader of Lancashire CC has again clashed with her predecessor over the council’s scrapped pa...

Local knowledge 'would be lost' under Land Registry plan

By MJ Correspondent | 15 May 2014

Local knowledge and experience would be lost under the Land Registry’s plan to centralise data he...

Human rights to be applied to social care

By MJ Correspondent | 15 May 2014

The Human Rights Act will be applied to social care after a last-minute change to the Care Bill b...

'Ofsted-style body' to boost pension fund oversight

By MJ Correspondent | 15 May 2014

An Ofsted-style body to boost independent oversight of LGPS funds could be among the ideas propos...

LGA must 'toughen up' to assist sector

By MJ Correspondent | 15 May 2014

The LGA needs to ‘toughen up’ its approach to sector-led improvement of children’s services, a se...

No rift behind Better Care Fund 'delay'

By MJ Correspondent | 15 May 2014

The two Government departments charged with delivering the BCF have insisted they are united behi...