Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Councils have 'real opportunity' to redesign children's services

By MJ Correspondent | 24 April 2014

Councils have a ‘real opportunity’ to redesign children’s services as they face a fourth consecut...

Public backs plans to devolve fiscal powers

By MJ Correspondent | 24 April 2014

The MJ’s campaign for the Government to give councils more financial freedoms has been boosted by...

The sector-led challenge

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

Rogue councils could be a challenge to sector-led improvement, one of the LGA’s deputy chairmen h...

Wigan to step up information protection

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

A Merseyside council has agreed to improve its practices after breaching the Data Protection Act.

Clause 82 puts council control of children's care under threat

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

The latest threat to council control of children’s social care has been met with disappointment f...

Shared services integration 'inevitable' for large councils

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

Large councils will find it is ‘inevitable’ they will fully integrate back office systems with ot...

LPFA boss urges Whitehall to 'speed up pension reforms'

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

The chief executive of the £4.8bn LPFA has urged the Government to accelerate its plans for struc...

Too many back office cuts harm frontline services

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

Finance officers have broken cover to stress the importance of their work amid a climate of back ...

Authorities' demand for rival to PWLB queried

By MJ Correspondent | 17 April 2014

Independent treasury adviser Arlingclose has questioned the demand from councils for a fresh riva...

Tories deny NHS social care plans

By MJ Correspondent | 11 April 2014

Conservative ministers have strongly rejected suggestions that they are thinking about moving soc...