Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Pickles defends £347m cut

By MJ Correspondent | 11 April 2014

Eric Pickles has defended the Government’s axing of the ‘under-claimed’ local welfare assistance ...

Chief warns of serious consequences for child protection

By MJ Correspondent | 11 April 2014

Birmingham City Council chief executive Mark Rogers has called for changes to avoid ‘serious cons...

Authorities join forces to back infrastructure

By MJ Correspondent | 11 April 2014

Three collaborating local government pension funds have become the latest to invest in infrastruc...

LPFA narrows gap in liabilities as fund rises 10%

By MJ Correspondent | 11 April 2014

The gap between the London Pensions Fund Authority’s (LPFA) assets and future liabilities has nar...

Councils face 'months of chaos' following Co-op banking crisis

By MJ Correspondent | 10 April 2014

Councils that banked with the Co-op are facing months of upheaval and additional costs while they...

Why cutting care is bad for Britain

By MJ Correspondent | 10 April 2014

Dan Peters reports on the dangers inherent in integrating social care with healthcare, removing t...

Clark rallies for cities

By MJ Correspondent | 10 April 2014

Cities minister Greg Clark has told councils they must overcome Whitehall resistance to achieve f...

EXCLUSIVE: Social care warning

By MJ Correspondent | 04 April 2014

CIPFA chief joins leading figures at MJ forum in highlighting potential shortfall of health and s...

Athena praised despite closure

By MJ Correspondent | 03 April 2014

The sponsor of a £2m programme to create a single ICT platform for London public sector organisat...

Exclusive: New LCR chair looks to create Northern network

By MJ Correspondent | 03 April 2014

The creation of a string of combined authorities could pave the way for collaboration to give the...