Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Tidal wave of opposition for directly-elected chiefs

By MJ Correspondent | 26 February 2014

The idea of creating directly-elected chief executives has been further damaged by a fresh tidal ...

Electronic dispatch for council agendas

By MJ Correspondent | 26 February 2014

The Government has revealed it plans to change the law to allow councils to send agendas for meet...

Finance director urges 'brave' rejection of outsourcing

By MJ Correspondent | 26 February 2014

The president of the Society of London Treasurers has urged councils to overcome their timidness ...

LGA bemoans lack of local voice in flooding response

By MJ Correspondent | 26 February 2014

The Local Government Association (LGA) believes it should have had greater involvement in Downing...

Chief hits back at 'unfair' pension pots criticism

By MJ Correspondent | 26 February 2014

The chief executive of Camden LBC has defended the size of chief officers’ pension pots.

KPMG calls for horizontal integration of pension funds

By MJ Correspondent | 26 February 2014

Confusion reigns over the future of the Local Government Pension Scheme after two major reports d...

London Councils mulls legal challenge to New Homes Bonus topslice

By MJ Correspondent | 20 February 2014

London Councils could launch a legal challenge to the Government’s plan to top slice £70m of the ...

Planning minister slams misuse of Article 4

By MJ Correspondent | 19 February 2014

Councils criticised for their ‘disproportionate’ use of Article 4 have hit back.

Fracking business rates offer 'not enough'

By MJ Correspondent | 19 February 2014

The offer to allow councils to collect 100% of the business rates from fracking projects is unlik...

Sawford: Local government finance model 'pushing councils to brink'

By MJ Correspondent | 18 February 2014

Local government is being ‘pushed to the brink’ due to the broken funding model, shadow minister ...