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MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

LGA has battle on its hands over municipal bonds agency

By MJ Correspondent | 18 February 2014

The Local Government Association (LGA) has a battle on its hands if it is to convince local autho...

London Councils' CIV plan moves step closer

By MJ Correspondent | 18 February 2014

London Councils’ plans for a collective investment vehicle (CIV) have taken another step forward ...

Exclusive: Third of chiefs fear for their council's ability to deliver legal duties

By MJ Correspondent | 13 February 2014

Shocking findings uncovered by The MJ/LGiU's annual local government finance survey.

Unison hits out at 'demonisation' of chief executives

By MJ Correspondent | 12 February 2014

The Government should stop attacking local authority chief officers, trade union Unison has said.

Authority makes case for super pensions pools

By MJ Correspondent | 11 February 2014

Legislation should be introduced to encourage the merging of local government pension schemes (LG...

Study: Local government can make 5% savings

By MJ Correspondent | 11 February 2014

Local government can make average savings of more than 5% on collaborative projects with the priv...

Agency backs LGA's municipal bonds idea

By MJ Correspondent | 11 February 2014

Credit rating agency Moody’s has backed the Local Government Association’s (LGA) idea of a munici...

Pickles with questions to answer after survey results

By MJ Correspondent | 06 February 2014

Read the full findings of The MJ/LGiU's annual local government finance survey and detailed analy...

Forced pension scheme mergers rebuffed

By MJ Correspondent | 06 February 2014

‘Significant resistance’ remains to forced mergers of local government pension scheme funds, acco...

Riordan: Core Cities could deliver more cuts with fiscal devolution

By MJ Correspondent | 06 February 2014

The chief executive of Leeds City Council has suggested the Core Cities could cope with further f...