Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

'Council newspaper crackdown is Orwellian'

By MJ Correspondent | 23 December 2013

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles is seeking to ‘set himself up as the censor-in-chief’, a MP ha...

Councils' defeat over planning rules relaxation

By MJ Correspondent | 20 December 2013

Concerned councils have expressed their disappointment after losing a legal challenge to the Gove...

Shoesmith in call to tackle blame culture

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

Local government should ‘take the lead’ in changing the current culture of blame, Sharon Shoesmit...

Council sets out strategy for kids

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

Birmingham City Council has laid out a strategy for improving its children’s services based on a ...

Tensions erupt over council's BT contract

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

Bubbling tensions between Lancashire CC and BT over their joint venture partnership have burst ou...

Talks continue over PSN threat

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

Concern about the threat of disconnection from the public services network (PSN) has spread to th...

Local government finance settlement: reaction

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

The latest reaction after ministers refused to reveal whether the council tax referendum threshol...

Think tank: Councils stuggling to protect green belt

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

Housing supply targets are ‘putting significant strain’ on councils’ ability to protect the green...

Gove promises more school places

By MJ Correspondent | 19 December 2013

London Councils has hailed the move to a three-year funding cycle for school places as an ‘import...

Cuts leave authorities with few choices

By MJ Correspondent | 18 December 2013

Cuts will leave local authorities with ‘no other option’ than to offer reduced levels of service ...