Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Chief executives welcome individual electoral registration timetable

By MJ Correspondent | 18 December 2013

Chief executives have welcomed a Government announcement that IER will proceed as planned.

Inquiry launched into council chiefs pay

By MJ Correspondent | 18 December 2013

The communities and local government select committee has launched a wide-ranging new inquiry int...

Calls for rethink on impact of council cuts grow

By MJ Correspondent | 17 December 2013

Demands for the DCLG to examine the cumulative impact of cuts on councils have grown after the Na...

London leaders back collective investment vehicle

By MJ Correspondent | 17 December 2013

London council leaders have backed the establishment of a CIV for the capital’s Local Government ...

Future Homes Commission chairman disappointed one year on

By MJ Correspondent | 17 December 2013

The chairman of the Future Homes Commission (FHC) has repeated his call for council pension funds...

Acting chief executive given role permanently

By MJ Correspondent | 17 December 2013

Bassetlaw DC’s acting chief executive has been handed the job permanently.

Government pulls back on adoption power after Lords debate

By MJ Correspondent | 12 December 2013

The Government has pulled back from forcing through a new power that would allow it to easily str...

CQC launches dementia care review

By MJ Correspondent | 11 December 2013

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) today launched a national review of dementia care.

Liverpool happy with under-fire BT contract

By MJ Correspondent | 11 December 2013

Liverpool City Council has insisted Lancashire CC did not ask it for co-operation with its probe ...

Minister pledges more children's services resources

By MJ Correspondent | 11 December 2013

Extra funding will be given to children’s services departments, children’s minister Edward Timpso...