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MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

All change at council contractor after scandal

By MJ Correspondent | 27 November 2013

The firm at the centre of the Lancashire CC scandal is undergoing a senior management overhaul.

Calls grow for national child protection debate

By MJ Correspondent | 27 November 2013

Fresh calls have been made for a national debate on child protection and social services.

Benn promises 'fairer' council funding

By MJ Correspondent | 27 November 2013

Labour has pledged to ‘look to change the balance’ of the way cash is distributed to councils if ...

Council heads for 'messy battle' to oust chief executive

By MJ Correspondent | 27 November 2013

Somerset CC could become embroiled in a messy battle to get rid of its chief executive.

Mayor's affordable housing commitment questioned

By MJ Correspondent | 26 November 2013

Councils in London are continuing to challenge the mayor’s commitment to affordable housing.

Extend FoI rules to public contracts, urges Labour

By MJ Correspondent | 20 November 2013

The Labour Party calls for extension of Freedom of Information (FoI) rules to cover public sector...

DCs buy 40 homes to kick-start property business

By MJ Correspondent | 20 November 2013

Two district councils, South Cambs DC and East Herts DC, are hoping to raise much-needed funds by...

Councils sign up for LG Futures' data review

By MJ Correspondent | 20 November 2013

Around 60 councils have signed up to a review of the adult social care funding formulae.

DfE 'softening up' public for wider implementation of Doncaster model

By MJ Correspondent | 20 November 2013

The DofE is ‘softening up’ the public for a wider implementation of the Doncaster children’s serv...

Call for local government pension schemes to review governance arrangements

By MJ Correspondent | 19 November 2013

Local government pension funds should review their governance arrangements now, a report has reco...