Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Council aims to put all services online

By MJ Correspondent | 19 November 2013

Worcestershire CC officers hope to make savings by ensuring all services are available online.

'Centralisation would damage fraud detection'

By MJ Correspondent | 19 November 2013

Local government’s fraud detection performance will be damaged when some investigation powers are...

Council confident developers will not bypass planners

By MJ Correspondent | 13 November 2013

Powers that would allow developers to bypass a council’s planning department are unlikely to be u...

Auditing procurement U-turn by Government

By MJ Correspondent | 13 November 2013

The local government sector will be allowed to collectively procure auditing services after a Gov...

Contract row showdown in Lancashire

By MJ Correspondent | 13 November 2013

Wrangling over the controversial relationship between Lancashire CC and its strategic partner BT ...

Whitehall 'must solve wefare contradictions'

By MJ Correspondent | 13 November 2013

The Government needs to ‘face up to the contradictions’ in its welfare reforms, an academic has t...

Birmingham review launched

By MJ Correspondent | 13 November 2013

A six-month joint review of children’s services in Birmingham has been launched by the city council.

Row over reviews after Hamzah Khan case

By MJ Correspondent | 13 November 2013

A call for action to stop future serious case reviews (SCRs) being ‘meaningless’ has been made.

Burden of two-signature rule to be scrapped

By MJ Correspondent | 12 November 2013

The requirement for every cheque payment made by a parish council to be signed by two members is ...

Councils: Care system will fail without adequate funding

By MJ Correspondent | 12 November 2013

The care system will fail if it is not adequately funded, a group of councils has warned the Gove...