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MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

New Homes Bonus evaluation 'urgent'

By MJ Correspondent | 31 October 2013

The Government’s planned evaluation of the New Homes Bonus is now urgent, the chairman of the pub...

LGA presses ahead with municipal bonds

By MJ Correspondent | 31 October 2013

The chairman of the Local Government Association (LGA) has said he will announce details of plans...

Liverpool bank rejected after feasibility study

By MJ Correspondent | 31 October 2013

Councillors on a finance and resources select committee have dropped the idea of creating a Bank ...

LGPS take-up increases

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

The automatic enrolment plan to boost uptake has contributed to an increase in the number of empl...

Councils: Trebling DHP will not cover bedroom tax

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

Councils have insisted that the Government’s trebling of the discretionary housing payment (DHP) ...

Hopkins attends economic growth centre launch

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

Local authorities ‘need to engage’ with a new centre that will analyse and showcase policies, its...

WLGA: Bigger councils not more efficient

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) has said there is ‘no conclusive research’ that lar...

No pay-off for Lancashire CC chief

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

The departed chief executive of Lancashire CC could escape from answering difficult questions.

Two Surrey council chief executives leave

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

Two Surrey borough council chief executives have left their roles.

Lewisham LBC defeats Hunt's hospital fight

By MJ Correspondent | 30 October 2013

Mayor of Lewisham Sir Steve Bullock has hailed a ‘great result’ after his council defeated an app...