A London borough is expected to become the first local authority to scrap council tax bills for f...
Education Secretary Michael Gove has pledged a radical overhaul in the training of social workers.
Councils are having to find extra resources to make discretionary housing payments (DHPs) after b...
Draft regulations affecting the pensions of outsourced council workers could be drawn up by the e...
Concerns about councils’ ability to deliver the Care Bill remained as it was sent back to the Hou...
The company at the centre of an investigation that led to the departure of a council chief execut...
The Local Audit and Accountability Bill is ‘full of holes,’ shadow local government minister Andy...
The leader of Lancashire CC has spoken of her fears that some Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs...
Barely a week goes by these days without the publication of a serious case review (SCR).
London boroughs have topped a table showing the proportion of deaths in hospitals.
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