Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Councils disagree with Sir Bob's defence

By MJ Correspondent | 22 October 2013

Councils have hit back at senior civil servants who have defended the Government’s proposed top s...

Concerns raised over extra pensions advice

By MJ Correspondent | 22 October 2013

The body charged with delivering next year’s changes to the LGPS has raised concerns about a Gove...

Local authority capital expenditure falls again

By MJ Correspondent | 22 October 2013

Urban development funds (UDFs) could be used to arrest the decline of local authority capital exp...

Jobs axe to help save £80m

By MJ Correspondent | 18 October 2013

More than 600 posts could be axed at Cumbria CC to save £80m over the next three years.

Pay freeze for chief funds awards

By MJ Correspondent | 17 October 2013

A council chief executive’s pay freeze will fund the launch of an awards scheme recognising the a...

Deadlock fears for mayoral decisions

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

An ex-minister for London has raised concerns with a proposal by the Communities and Local Govern...

Betts: Local government as a whole could fail

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

The chairman of the Communities and Local Government Select Committee has warned that local gover...

Proposed NHB distribution splitting the regions

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

Regions across the country have united against the proposed top slicing of the NHB but there is r...

CBI: Chiefs should increase involvement with procurements

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

Council chief executives should increase their strategic involvement with procurements, the CBI h...

Closing the gap in healthcare inequality

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

Ways to close the gap in health inequality without increasing public expenditure have been found ...