Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Council accuses developers of 'corporate bullying'

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

A council leader has branded a legal challenge to a neighbourhood plan as ‘highly regrettable cor...

LGO's transformation plan 'substantially completed'

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

The LGO has welcomed the opportunity to update Parliament on its progress since it was criticised...

Guide to track preventative spend published

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

A guide that aims to show councils how they can track their spending on preventative services has...

LEP rejects NHB top slice cash

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

An East of England LEP is thought to have become one of the first to reject the proposed NHB top ...

Study: Adult social care is 'fundamentally broken'

By MJ Correspondent | 16 October 2013

The adult social care system is ‘past its sell-by date,’ a senior Birmingham city councillor has ...

Ealing LBC loses hospital JR appeal

By MJ Correspondent | 15 October 2013

Ealing LBC’s bid for a judicial review of the decision to downgrade services at four hospitals ha...

Concern growing over Care Bill funding

By MJ Correspondent | 14 October 2013

Concern about the funding implications of the Care Bill is growing in the local government sector.

Council chief executives need new skills - report

By MJ Correspondent | 10 October 2013

Council chief executives will be told they must ‘take their people into the forest’ at a leadersh...

Criticised council makes progress

By MJ Correspondent | 09 October 2013

‘Good progress’ is being made by criticised Caerphilly CBC, officers said this week.

Government's children's services policy criticised

By MJ Correspondent | 09 October 2013

The Government response to issues in the children’s services sector has been criticised.