Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Councils fight to halt hospital downgrades

By MJ Correspondent | 09 October 2013

Two London councils are hoping to win legal bids to halt the downgrade of their local hospitals.

Birmingham gives up equal pay fight

By MJ Correspondent | 09 October 2013

Birmingham City Council has given up its battle against paying out for 11,000 equal pay claims.

Sigoma: Changes make NHB complex and uncertain

By MJ Correspondent | 08 October 2013

The Government's proposed pooling of the New Homes Bonus (NHB) makes the scheme ‘complex and unce...

LGA scorns possibility of Libor lawsuits

By MJ Correspondent | 08 October 2013

The LGA has poured cold water on the idea of filing lawsuits against banks guilty of attempting t...

APSE: No such thing as a free school lunch

By MJ Correspondent | 08 October 2013

The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) has called for more clarity from the Governm...

Council and commissioner to review portfolio

By MJ Correspondent | 07 October 2013

A councillor-turned-police and crime commissioner is driving forward a review of his former autho...

Residents back Wandsworth's savings plan

By MJ Correspondent | 04 October 2013

Wandsworth LBC has hailed a residents’ survey that found support for its savings plan.

Council wants change in children's services

By MJ Correspondent | 03 October 2013

Birmingham City Council has said it wants the publication of a serious case review into Keanu Wil...

More questions for Lancashire CC's chief

By MJ Correspondent | 03 October 2013

Allegations that Lancashire CC chief executive Phil Halsall knew about payments of more than £600...

Bradford serious case review expected shortly

By MJ Correspondent | 03 October 2013

A serious case review is expected shortly in the case of a four-year-old boy whose body was found...