Author Profile

Carolyn Downs

Carolyn Downs

Carolyn Downs is chief executive Brent LBC and former chief executive of the Local Government Association

Articles by Carolyn Downs

The make-or-break year for adult social care

By Carolyn Downs | 16 January 2013

Carolyn Downs says 2013 will be a make-or-break year for adult social care to achieve long-term r...

Residents' satisfaction matters most

By Carolyn Downs | 08 November 2012

Carolyn Downs looks at the results of a recent quarterly poll of residents' satisfaction.

Fast solutions for the economy

By Carolyn Downs | 26 September 2012

Local government has the potential to provide a spark for economic recovery,says Carolyn Downs.

The shortage of primary school places

By Carolyn Downs | 09 August 2012

With councils holding a key role in education, a focus on ensuring there are enough places has ne...

Local government is ahead of the game

By Carolyn Downs | 04 April 2012

Carolyn Downs looks at the issue of how the government plans to end national pay rates for public...

The Welfare Reform Bill heralds a big change

By Carolyn Downs | 23 February 2012

Carolyn Downs looks at how the Welfare Reform Bill could herald a profound change in the role of ...

Looking ahead for 2012

By Carolyn Downs | 13 January 2012

LGA chief executive Carolyn Downs predicts the year for councils.