Author Profile

Ed Cox

Ed Cox

Ed Cox is director of public services at the RSA and former director of IPPR North

Articles by Ed Cox

Does the North need its Powerhouse?

By Ed Cox | 18 October 2016

The North must shape its own destiny and cannot rely on the Government's Powerhouse plans, writes...

Take control of the Powerhouse

By Ed Cox | 31 August 2016

The future of the Northern Powerhouse does not rely on central government alone and councils must...

Stand up and be counted

By Ed Cox | 07 July 2016

The North will need strong leaders if it is to weather the storm of Brexit, says Ed Cox

We should give the people of Rotherham a voice

By Ed Cox | 03 March 2015

The length and nature of the five Rotherham commissioners appointments' flouts any commitment to ...