Author Profile

Peter Stuart

Peter Stuart

Articles by Peter Stuart

When the dust settles

By Peter Stuart | 19 January 2016

Peter Stuart raises fears about Government plans for Revenue Support Grant and the potential shar...

Twas the week before Spending Review

By Peter Stuart | 17 November 2015

With the Spending Review just one week away, Peter Stuart discusses what councils might have on t...

Uncosted chaos

By Peter Stuart | 28 April 2015

It may already be too late for this election, writes Peter Stuart, but looking to the future you ...

Finance nausea

By Peter Stuart | 10 March 2015

A local government landscape where so many reference points are moving and shifting at the behest...

We have a financial mountain to climb

By Peter Stuart | 20 January 2015

Local government needs to find further cuts – and we may only be 30% through the programme accord...

Challenging for independence

By Peter Stuart | 04 November 2014

District treasurers should respond to the Commission on Local Government Finance by striving to a...

Money Matters: The DCLG is silent

By Peter Stuart | 07 January 2014

The Society of District Council Treasurers (SDCT) exists to represent the views of its members to...