Author Profile

Paul Corrigan

Articles by Paul Corrigan

Good form

By Paul Corrigan | 18 November 2014

Paul Corrigan explains why better care is much more important that filling in the BCF plan correc...

New models for creating more value from patients.

By Paul Corrigan | 14 May 2012

We need a flexible long-term condition pathway according Paul Corrigan.

Just what was the BMA opposing in 1948?

By Paul Corrigan | 30 April 2012

Paul Corrigan looks back at what the BMA was opposing in 1948 within the NHS.

Bevan's nuanced and clever view of the NHS

By Paul Corrigan | 23 April 2012

Paul Corrigan considers what Nye Bevan would make of the proposed changes to the NHS.

Saving the NHS

By Paul Corrigan | 16 April 2012

Paul Corrigan looks at the meaning behind saving the NHS from reform.

The Budget, the Big Society and the NHS

By Paul Corrigan | 11 April 2012

Paul Corrigan looks at how the Government tries to implement one policy by going against its own ...

Health Secretary's communication skills infects the wider Cabinet

By Paul Corrigan | 02 April 2012

Paul Corrigan looks at how the Health Secretary's communication skills of the past week shows how...

Does it, Mr Cameron does it?

By Paul Corrigan | 26 March 2012

Paul Corrigan asks if the Health and Social Care Bill does give powers to doctors and nurses.

Impact of 50+ doctors standing for parliament at the next election

By Paul Corrigan | 20 March 2012

In medicine and politics – it's never wise to say never, according to Paul Corrigan.

'The argument between bad reform and good reform.'

By Paul Corrigan | 19 March 2012

If the Government wants to amend its own bill it does. If the opposition wants to, it can't says ...