Author Profile

Neil McInroy

Articles by Neil McInroy

The climate crisis is not a political choice

By Neil McInroy | 11 June 2024

Neil McInroy offers his international perspective on the climate crisis, and he fears ‘the UK and...

Councils need power and a plan

By Neil McInroy | 04 October 2022

Any effective stewardship of the local economy badly requires a step change if it is to stay true...

Digging deep for change

By Neil McInroy | 07 October 2020

The pandemic has not resulted in the big changes required to protect health and drive widespread ...

Economic recovery and reform: the role of community power

By Tom Lloyd Goodwin | 22 May 2020

The resurgence of community action has been impressive and needs to be seen as a ‘power source’ t...

How are councils responding the COVID-19 crisis?

By Neil McInroy | 24 March 2020

CLES is collecting details of local authorities’ innovative and exceptional measures to support p...

'Things will not get better: We need radical action'

By Neil McInroy | 12 February 2020

Neil McInroy argues that a crisis in children’s and adults’ services calls for ‘a new spirit of a...

Levelling up needs to get real - but so does our response to it

By Neil McInroy | 03 February 2020

We need ‘deep reform and reorder rather than the rhetoric of levelling up from Westminster’, argu...

Building an inclusive economy in Kirklees

By Cllr Shabir Pandor | 10 July 2018

Neil McInroy and Cllr Shabir Pandor explain how Kirklees’ new approach to economic development in...

Breaking free: Local areas need to embrace a new local economics

By Matthew Jackson | 12 December 2017

Batting back some recent criticisms of local wealth building, Neil McInroy and Matthew Jackson ar...

Dawn of the new age of re-municipalisation

By Matthew Jackson | 25 October 2017

A change is happening in local government, where public services are being considered an investme...