Neil McInroy offers his international perspective on the climate crisis, and he fears ‘the UK and...
Any effective stewardship of the local economy badly requires a step change if it is to stay true...
The pandemic has not resulted in the big changes required to protect health and drive widespread ...
The resurgence of community action has been impressive and needs to be seen as a ‘power source’ t...
CLES is collecting details of local authorities’ innovative and exceptional measures to support p...
Neil McInroy argues that a crisis in children’s and adults’ services calls for ‘a new spirit of a...
We need ‘deep reform and reorder rather than the rhetoric of levelling up from Westminster’, argu...
Neil McInroy and Cllr Shabir Pandor explain how Kirklees’ new approach to economic development in...
Batting back some recent criticisms of local wealth building, Neil McInroy and Matthew Jackson ar...
A change is happening in local government, where public services are being considered an investme...
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