Author Profile

Ian Fytche

Articles by Ian Fytche

There is still time to act on climate change

By Ian Fytche | 27 September 2023

The Prime Minister may have rowed back on key net zero policies. But Ian Fytche says that with le...

Planning for net zero in Central Lincolnshire

By Ian Fytche | 25 April 2023

Central Lincolnshire’s new local plan creates planning policy for climate action around five main...

Leisure services: exist or thrive?

By Ian Fytche | 08 December 2020

The pandemic has placed leisure services under immense stress, writes Ian Fytche. Short-term fina...

Making decisions in cyberspace

By Ian Fytche | 13 May 2020

With the advent of virtual decision making in local government, Ian Fytche offers insight into ho...

Ten days that changed everything

By Ian Fytche | 23 March 2020

Ian Fytche says delaying and suppressing the spread of the virus, protecting vulnerable people an...