Author Profile

Craig Dearden-Phillips

Craig Dearden-Phillips

Articles by Craig Dearden-Phillips

Spin to win

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 14 May 2014

Craig Dearden-Phillips mulls over the pros and cons of public service mutuals, and whether spinni...

Who's making an enterprising start?

By Jonathan Flowers | 12 March 2014

Craig Deardon Phillips and Jonathan Flowers examine how councils are turning to the enterprise ag...

Goodnight, sweetheart deals

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 21 February 2014

EU rules around procurement of mutuals are changing. Craig Dearden-Phillips and Mark Cook explain...

The road to recovery starts here

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 16 October 2013

There is a lot local government can do to help to kick-start the local economy – starting with bo...

Can we defy the Graph of Doom?

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 19 June 2013

Craig Dearden-Phillips looks at how councils can offset their spending on maintaining social care.

Taking stock of a lost generation

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 24 April 2013

Craig Dearden Phillips paints a portrait of an era where councillors wield no real power and meet...

At the business end of services

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 15 January 2013

Local authorities are looking at business model options to provide services in times of austerity...

Mutually acceptable?

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 03 October 2012

Craig Dearden-Phillips says public sector mutuals could help councils maintain a politically-acce...