Author Profile

Craig Dearden-Phillips

Craig Dearden-Phillips

Articles by Craig Dearden-Phillips

The politics of mutuals

By Cllr Colin Noble | 24 June 2015

Craig Dearden-Phillips and Suffolk leader, Cllr Colin Noble, argue the local political hurdles fo...

Picture this

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 21 May 2015

Craig Dearden-Phillips discusses the merits of council commercialisation - and what the genuine a...

Oliver will demand more town hall mutuals

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 11 May 2015

Appointment of Oliver Letwin as Minister for the Cabinet Office is a boost for the public service...

Mutuals still matter

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 30 April 2015

Craig Dearden-Phillips analyses the last five years of the public service mutual drive in local g...

Crucial steps to commercialisation

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 03 February 2015

How does a council go about creating a successful company? Craig Dearden-Phillips sets out the ke...

Why the public prefer to believe Pickles

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 23 December 2014

Are the cuts unveiled in the finance settlement a death knell for local government or are council...

Who will fund Stevens' five-year NHS plan?

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 06 November 2014

Simon Stevens' NHS Forward Plan is curious in its omission of the vital and legitimate role of lo...

Just who is watching the vulnerable?

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 27 October 2014

Different parts of the health and social care system remain too focused on what is and isn’t thei...

Burnham should get second opinion on care prescription

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 27 October 2014

Craig Dearden-Phillips critiques Andy Burnham's proposals for a new National Health and Care Serv...

Freedom of choice in children's services

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 21 May 2014

Craig Dearden-Phillips challenges the orthodoxy that children's services must remain shut off fro...