Author Profile

Chris Tambini

Articles by Chris Tambini

Now back to the real world

By Chris Tambini | 30 November 2022

Chris Tambini takes a fantastical look at what he thinks a rational secretary of state could do -...

Autumn Statement: It's pretty depressing, but it could have been worse

By Chris Tambini | 21 November 2022

Chris Tambini says that after the Autumn Statement local government is in a better place than we ...

Councils face stark choices on services

By Chris Tambini | 19 October 2022

President of the Society of County Treasurers Chris Tambini says that if local government is goin...

We need genuine reform of the system and extra funding

By Chris Tambini | 06 September 2022

President of the Society of County Treasurers Chris Tambini says we are not in a perfect storm, '...

Whitehall needs to up its game

By Chris Tambini | 14 June 2022

Adult social care and special education reforms are examples of Whitehall departments' poor polic...

Adult social care reform costings need probing further

By Chris Tambini | 04 May 2022

The level of underfunding currently being modelled for the reform of adult social care has the po...

Assume the brace position

By Chris Tambini | 29 March 2022

The real impact of the cost of living crisis is yet to really unfold and, as for council finances...

The implications of war for the world and our public services

By Chris Tambini | 22 March 2022

Chris Tambini outlines the four main implications of the war in Ukraine for UK public services.

The levelling up of local government funding is long overdue

By Chris Tambini | 09 February 2022

The system for funding local services is desperately in need of root and branch reform and a half...

A model for change

By Chris Tambini | 06 September 2017

Byron Rhodes argues the need for a shake-up of the local government funding model, and Chris Tamb...