Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Cameron: Every school should become an academy

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 August 2015

Prime minister David Cameron has said he wants every school in the country to be able to leave lo...

Skills crisis could 'undermine' government plans

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 August 2015

Town hall chiefs have warned that a growing skills crisis in the construction industry could unde...

Northumberland executive director steps down

By Jamie Hailstone | 14 August 2015

Northumberland CC has announced its executive director of local services, Barry Rowland, has deci...

Council to host hearings if cash cuts close court

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 August 2015

North Lincolnshire Council’s leader has offered to host court hearings in its buildings if the Go...

Fast track for fracking

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 August 2015

Environmental campaigners have accused the Government of ‘riding roughshod over local democracy’ ...

'Too few staff monitor outsourced contracts'

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 August 2015

Opposition politicians in West Sussex have questioned whether the county council has enough staff...

Scots, Welsh and NI call for 'more clarity' over budgets

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 August 2015

Politicians from Britain’s devolved administrations have called for more clarity from Whitehall o...

Sutcliffe: Care system under stress and strain

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 August 2015

Social care chief Andrea Sutcliffe has warned public sector spending cuts and a lack of leadershi...

Thurrock to cut Serco deal short

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 July 2015

Thurrock Council has become the latest local authority to end an outsourcing contract early, afte...

East Cheshire poised to create arm's-length firm

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 July 2015

Cheshire East Council is set to create a local authority-owned company to help boost skills and j...