Author Profile

Martin Reeves

Martin Reeves chief executive of Coventry City Council

Articles by Martin Reeves

Size isn't everything

By Martin Reeves | 13 June 2013

UK plc needs all the help it can get as the country continues to battle through the tough economi...

The incompatibility of the NHS and local government

By Martin Reeves | 15 May 2013

Martin Reeves says it is difficult to deny the differences that have characterised both sectors i...

The reality of change in local government

By Martin Reeves | 17 April 2013

How ready are we for honest conversations with our residents about the reality of change in local...

Working together

By Martin Reeves | 25 March 2013

Up and down the country councils are finding new ways to work with the private sector, says Marti...

Communities require leadership

By Martin Reeves | 21 February 2013

Local government has strong leadership. That has been proved time and time again,says Martin Reeves.

A year of bold and innovative action

By Martin Reeves | 23 January 2013

Martin Reeves looks at how 2013 could be a year of bold and innovative action within local govern...