Author Profile

John Tizard

John Tizard is an advisor and commentator on public policy and public services

Articles by John Tizard

What should ex-councillors do next?

By John Tizard | 08 May 2019

John Tizard says those staring into the future after losing their council seats should take time ...

Public audit will soon need a spring clean

By David Walker | 19 February 2019

John Tizard and David Walker make the case for a new way of auditing how public money is spent th...

Let's rebuild support for our voluntary bodies

By John Tizard | 04 December 2018

Something is not right in the state of the relationship between local government and the voluntar...

Why 'good' consultation is key

By John Tizard | 15 August 2018

The importance of public consultation, especially in the local government arena, can not be under...

The contracting conundrum

By David Walker | 09 May 2018

Time will tell if outsourcing has had its day as a significant money saving option for the sector...

Carillion: Companies can go bust, councils cannot

By David Walker | 22 January 2018

After the fall of Carillion, and with social care providers on the brink, John Tizard and David W...

Reach out for long-term relationships

By John Tizard | 10 January 2018

Local authorities should value and want to seek close relationships with their local voluntary an...

Let's take stock

By John Tizard | 16 August 2017

John Tizard pauses to ponder a few of the fundamental questions facing leaders during this import...

A champion of the sector

By John Tizard | 20 April 2017

John Tizard reflects on the life of former emeritus professor of government at the London School ...

The foundation for a new people-centric outlook

By John Tizard | 11 April 2017

Reviewing a book, John Tizard explains why public services cannot be modelled on the business sec...