Author Profile

John Tizard

John Tizard is an advisor and commentator on public policy and public services

Articles by John Tizard

The foundation for a new people-centric outlook

By John Tizard | 11 April 2017

Reviewing a book, John Tizard explains why public services cannot be modelled on the business sec...

The voluntary and community sector are our natural allies

By John Tizard | 28 February 2017

Local authority leaders should foster and develop strong relations with the local voluntary and c...

A Christmas wish... or two

By John Tizard | 13 December 2016

Full of festive goodwill to all local authorities, John Tizard outlines his Christmas wishes coun...

Do councils have a future in education?

By John Tizard | 26 October 2016

Schools form a crucial part of local services and are at the heart of the economic growth agenda ...

Keep the relationship alive

By John Tizard | 17 May 2016

The voluntary and community sector and local government need each other now more than ever, says ...

Why collaborative working is key

By John Tizard | 15 March 2016

Local government and the local voluntary and community sector need each other more than ever, say...

Striking a winning hit for change

By John Tizard | 28 January 2016

Optimism is absolutely essential even in a period of uncertainty and challenge. Stop talking the ...

Grant renaissance

By John Tizard | 03 December 2015

John Tizard argues the case for grants in the voluntary and community sector and how, used judici...

The democratic deficit

By John Tizard | 25 November 2015

Davy Jones and John Tizard argue that there is a democratic deficit at the heart of the devolutio...

Decisions, decisions

By John Tizard | 30 October 2015

With further and deeper cuts ahead, John Tizard says it's time for local government to start show...