Author Profile

John Tizard

John Tizard is an advisor and commentator on public policy and public services

Articles by John Tizard

Finding the right balance

By John Tizard | 09 June 2015

If I were applying to be Local Government Association chief executive or on the appointment panel...

Stand-alone spirit

By John Tizard | 24 February 2015

John Tizard analyses the landscape for local government in the coming years, and makes the case f...

How to be a community councillor

By John Tizard | 15 December 2014

Greater devolution and decentralisation to local government will require strong, effective, respo...

Time to lead

By John Tizard | 09 May 2014

In the concluding section of his two-part analysis on local leadership, written in the run up the...

Candid facts for candidates

By John Tizard | 06 May 2014

With the looming local elections next month, John Tizard offers timely advice on how to be a succ...

Don't ditch the pilot

By John Tizard | 26 February 2014

John Tizard examines the politics behind the widespread removal of the chief executive posts acro...

Exploring the mixed benefits of outsourcing public services

By John Tizard | 17 December 2013

John Tizard examines the state of local government outsourcing and suggests how council leaders c...

Politics in local government matter more than ever

By John Tizard | 10 April 2013

Local government is elected to take decisions on behalf of communities. John Tizard explains why ...

Councillors of the future, step forward

By John Tizard | 04 April 2013

Candidates with the right range of skills and experience are needed now more than ever, writes Jo...

Collaboration – an idea of and for its time

By John Tizard | 19 February 2013

Addressing society's many challenges requires multi-agency and cross-sector responses,says John T...