Author Profile

Pete John

Pete John is senior consultant at Penna

Articles by Pete John

Recruitment conundrums and economic development

By George Agyemang | 06 March 2024

A key challenge for councils building economic development teams is understanding where to priori...

Place shapers wanted

By Pete John | 06 February 2024

George Agyemang and Pete John of Penna share their experiences over the past few years on the lea...

A light(bulb) at the end of the tunnel?

By Pete John | 14 September 2022

Pete John looks at how the relationships we have with the organisations we work for – and how the...

Penna view: The demand for levelling up talent is rising

By Pete John | 27 September 2021

As the focus on levelling up in amplified, Pete John says the demand to fill regeneration and pla...