Author Profile

Jon Ainger

Articles by Jon Ainger

Organisations need wellbeing too

By Jon Ainger | 08 June 2021

IMPOWER’s resilience framework – produced in conjunction with eight councils and the County Counc...

The quest for clarity is never simple

By Jon Ainger | 08 December 2020

Clarity of purpose helps public service leaders ensure that their managers are spending the major...

Moving from the sprint to the heptathlon

By Jon Ainger | 20 August 2020

Jon Ainger offers  five recommendations for depleted management teams looking to make better reco...

Why future system resilience must be built into recovery plans

By Jon Ainger | 18 May 2020

In thinking forward to recovery, there is no better time than the present to learn from the exper...

5 recommendations for managing a different type of crisis

By Jon Ainger | 25 March 2020

Jon Ainger offers five recommendations for public sector leaders who are able to take a moment to...

Redefining what good looks like

By Jon Ainger | 13 November 2019

Impower’s annual top 10 list is a celebration of strong council performance and, as Jon Ainger ex...

The value of making better quality decisions

By Jon Ainger | 24 October 2018

With finances becoming even more challenging, councils' focus needs to be on measuring the qualit...

Council performance doesn't matter when it comes to election results

By Jon Ainger | 24 May 2018

Jon Ainger analyses whether individual councils' performance had any correlation with the electio...

Future Forum 2017: Making uncertainty work for you

By Jenny McArdle | 02 May 2017

Jon Ainger and Jenny McArdle, directors at iMPOWER, examine the roles chief executives must play ...

Playing the co-operation game

By Jon Ainger | 15 April 2014

Jon Ainger argues that ‘game theory’ evidence of recent local government leadership trends and tr...