Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Just when you thought it was safe

By Jonathan Werran | 31 August 2021

The first multi-year public finance settlement for many years might not answer every question, bu...

Planning for posterity

By Jonathan Werran | 17 August 2021

If we want to ensure the younger generation doesn’t miss out on housing opportunities, the focus ...

Sharpening the commercial edge

By Jonathan Werran | 16 June 2021

The case for well-managed council commercial activity is one that needs to be defended if we want...

Playing it long

By Jonathan Werran | 02 June 2021

A Localis policy webinar on long-term local government finances indicated strategic pragmatism w...

Local results will supercharge the levelling up ambitions

By Jonathan Werran | 07 May 2021

The Conservative government is now set to enjoy an assured position of dominance and power at loc...

Let's make sure Transforming Public Procurement delivers beyond SW1

By Jonathan Werran | 20 April 2021

We shouldn’t allow Greensill to distract us from asking what needs to change centrally to release...

At the right level

By Jonathan Werran | 17 March 2021

As the heart of the UK's knowledge and biotech economies, Oxford urgently needs urban leadership ...

Experienced drivers wanted

By Jonathan Werran | 10 February 2021

Let our localities choose which local delivery vehicles should drive growth and recovery from gov...

SPENDING REVIEW: Live to fight another year

By Jonathan Werran | 25 November 2020

Local government has probably got just about enough from the chancellor to keep the show on the r...

Creating Powerful Communities

By Jonathan Werran | 17 November 2020

The Recovery and Devolution White Paper must seize on the promise of double devolution to build e...