Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

An outsourced crisis of confidence

By Jonathan Werran | 19 November 2013

The National Audit Office last week produced reports challenging the Government and its private s...

Caerphilly clawback could be counter-productive, chief warns

By Jonathan Werran | 19 November 2013

Caerphilly Council chief executives warns members of likely financial loss if council tried to re...

Northumberland plans to scrap chief executive role

By Jonathan Werran | 18 November 2013

Northumberland CC proposes to scrap the chief executive role, as part of a radical management res...

Authorities in beef up call for bill

By Jonathan Werran | 13 November 2013

A cross-party coalition of councils has united behind lobbying efforts to strengthen the proposed...

Housing associations' warning over Universal Credit delays

By Jonathan Werran | 12 November 2013

Failure to establish a ‘realistic timetable’ for rolling out Universal Credit (UC) is stymieing h...

Cuts to pensions save £2.3bn

By Jonathan Werran | 12 November 2013

Whitehall savings for the first half of this year are estimated to be £5.4bn, ministers have anno...

IT glitches 'will alienate electors'

By Jonathan Werran | 12 November 2013

The Government has sought to dampen concerns from local authority electoral administrators.

Spending watchdog warns of 'crisis of confidence' over top suppliers

By Jonathan Werran | 12 November 2013

NAO head reports ‘crisis of confidence’ over major government contractors not dealing fairly with...

LPFA banks cash with GLA in shared service move

By Jonathan Werran | 11 November 2013

The London Pensions Fund Authority deposits the bulk of its cash portfolio within the Greater Lon...

MPs issue damning report into Universal Credit £140m IT write off

By Tom Bridge | 07 November 2013

Public Accounts Committee delivers scathing verdict on DWP attempts to launch flagship welfare re...