Vulnerable groups are at risk from the Government’s public sector apprenticeship target, accordin...
Recorded child cruelty offences are the highest they have been in a decade, children’s charity wa...
The British Museum has challenged Camden LBC over a £720,000 business rates bill.
Hull City Council is asking all its council workers to consider taking voluntary redundancy.
Hundreds of local authority duties to young people could be removed as the Government seeks to ‘r...
Children’s social care services at Sandwell MBC could be transferred to a voluntary trust after t...
Northern small and medium-sized cities (SMCs) contribute more to the UK economy than Wales and No...
Council-issued solar bonds designed to partially fund a solar farm in Swindon have sold out a mon...
Two councils on the south coast have announced plans to share senior management in a bid to make ...
Barnet LBC should not be allowed to oversee the European Union (EU) referendum after the ‘chaos’ ...
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