Javid open to returning taxi powers to Rotherham

The communities secretary has proposed handing back the power to issue taxi driver licences to Rotherham MBC.

The communities secretary has proposed handing back the power to issue taxi driver licences to Rotherham MBC.

Sajid Javid yesterday wrote to the council's chief executive, Sharon Kemp, informing her the authority would be able to resume all decision-making on licensing matters, subject to a consultation.

Mr Javid's decision came after commissioner Mary Ney said councillors now had the skills and capability to take back decision-making.

‘The council has worked hard to implement a range of improvements to its licensing function and it is now appropriate to consider the return of decision making to the council,' said commissioner Ney.

‘Councillors have worked with me in an advisory capacity for more than 20 months and have gained considerable experience as the council implemented the new arrangements.'

Commissioner Ney would maintain an overview of decisions and sit in an advisory capacity with members.

Council leader Chris Read said: ‘This is welcome news and a real vote of confidence in the work undertaken by the council over the last 20 months, alongside commissioners, to deliver necessary improvements.

‘We've lots more to do but - should this decision be confirmed next month - it would be another step in the right direction - for the council and for Rotherham.'


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