Author Profile

Jo Wall

Articles by Jo Wall

It's time to take climate adaptation seriously

By Jo Wall | 26 July 2022

It is no longer enough for councils to focus solely on net zero for their climate emergency plans...

Climate action support – what's new for the UK?

By Jo Wall – Strategic Director, Local Partnerships | 09 November 2021

There will be much for local government to consider flowing from COP26 and the UK Government's re...

Climate leadership demands delivery at scale and pace

By Jo Wall Strategic Director,Local Partnerships | 19 September 2021

What are the practical steps that councils can take, now, to help reduce their carbon emissions a...

The troubled world of off-setting and sequestration

By Jo Wall, Strategic director , Local Partnerships | 18 March 2020

Jo Wall says Local Partnerships' work on carbon sequestration, place-making and carbon accounting...

Climate emergency: adaptation

By Jo Wall | 11 March 2020

Councils must lead the development of localised climate change adaption and resilience, through b...

Climate emergency: the role of renewables

By Jo Wall – Strategic director, Local Partnerships | 04 March 2020

Many councils are developing or buying solar farms of their own. If successful this can cut carbo...

Climate emergency: know where you are

By Jo Wall – Strategic Director, Climate Response, Local Partnerships | 19 February 2020

The UN Climate Change Conference – COP26 – will take place in Glasgow in November, where more tha...

Climate emergency: competing priorities and tough decisions

By Jo Wall | 12 February 2020

Friends of the Earth’s climate action plan for councils identifies 50 steps that councils can tak...